Smoke Detectors are used to identify the appearance of smoke in indoor areas. The principle used for the detection of smoke is a photoelectric scattering of light.
A beam of light is sent inside the smoke detector chamber. This light is reflected into the photoreceiver if smoke particles are present inside the chamber.
The Victofire Pyrox is the first and only smoke detector designed by Indian engineers that is immune to all other triggers except smoke. Victofire detectors do not recognise things like dust, steam, cement, talcum powder, room fresheners, mosquito repellent sprays as alarms. But it is only triggered when smoke enters the detector chamber.
This is achieved by complex algorithms that achieve this differentiation by studying the amount of light reflected by different particles for different types of light triggers. The Victofire Pyrox detectors are the outcome of four years of research by veteran Indian engineers from the field of Optical Electronics who achieved this fantastic feat, thus offering respite from exasperating false alarms.
Kudos to Indian engineering.