One of the most common problems that system integrators face is accurate fire alarm wiring fault detection.
Why would that be?
The Typical Addressable Fire-Alarm System
In a typical addressable system, around 100 to 150 devices link in a single circuit called a “loop”. All these devices cover a wide region. As a result, system integrators further separate these devices into smaller groups termed “zones”. This allows for easier identification of the specific site of the fault.
Now, imagine that this circuit, which has 150 odd devices, develops a problem, such as a short circuit or an open circuit. This could happen for any number of reasons, such as remodeling, rats, or simple short circuits.
Because of these wiring loops, 20 devices in the series lose electrical contact with the panel. The panel now displays a “WIRING FAULT” and provides a list of the 20 devices that are missing from the circuit. It provides names and allocated address numbers. However, a typical addressable panel does not showcase where in this entire loop is the fault.
System integrators need to refer to the fire alarm system layout schematic to figure out where these 20 devices are located. But these 20 devices might be dispersed throughout a broad area of roughly 200 meters, spanning numerous levels. Pinpointing them could take days or weeks. (Which is the typical resolution speed of fire alarm system faults!). This is a common issue with all addressable systems.
Victofire IADAC system
Victofire’s two-tier addressable design, in which each zone has unique cabling, completely solves this problem. The software zone that is configured in the panel and the actual circuit in the field are identical.
As a result, Victofire’s LED and LCD displays instantly display the name of the exact location of the fault down to the specific alarm that has a wiring issue. This allows the system engineers to go straight to that spot and fix the wiring problem.
With Victofire, you can achieve minimum downtime and maximum safety.
To learn more about how the Victofire IADAC system works visit : https://victofire.blogspot.com/